Hi, I’m $THOR!
A little stitched hero with a big heart.
Half adventurer, no thread can hold me back!
Meet $THOR. In a world made of fabric and dreams, he was born from a magical thread and a spark of adventure. A little stitched hero with a big heart and an unstoppable thirst for discovering hidden treasures. Legend has it that one day, while exploring the Kingdom of Lost Coins, he found a BullThor of gold with a mysterious "$" symbol stitched on it. But it wasn’t just any THOR... it was the key to a new economy, where value was measured by courage, creativity, and the spirit of those who dare to dream. Now, $THOR travels from world to world, spreading fortune and wealth to anyone who believes in the power of play, art, and imagination. No thread can hold him back, and no adventure is too big for him!
Because even the memeist of�coins need the financial genius to�power them. We’re dedicated to�providing a�coin that benefits our most dedicated followers.
If you're on mobile, download Xverse Wallet from the App Store or Google Play. If you're on desktop, install the xverse browser extension from the official website. Set up your wallet and securely store your recovery phrase.
Purchase BTC (bitcoin) from an exchange like Binance, Coinbase, or Kraken. Transfer BTC to your Xverse wallet to use for transactions.
Go to ODIN. Connect your Xverse Wallet,sign wallet,click bitcoin logo top right corner,click options,click external deposit, copy btc adress wallet odin, back xverse wallet and send btc to adress odin, wait until transaction succes (need around 20 minutes).
Open your account odin and check balance bitcoin logo top right corner. search "THOR" ,trade,buy, happy earnings!